Mini Alphabet Books – Small Alphabet Worksheets (Digital Download)



This mini alphabet books are great to use for your letter of the week. Staple or glue the 8 (or 7) pages together and hand them out to your students for homework (or practice in class).

There are 26 mini books, one for each letter of the alphabet.

There are 26 PDF files, zipped.

The alphabet activity book contains:

  • cover page with a big upper case letter and lower case letter and a place to write the student name
  • 2 read and color coloring pages – for example A is for apple with a big image of an apple to color and A is for alligator with a big image of alligator. The letter A at the start of the sentence and at the begging of the word are highlighted.
  • 1 I can trace the letter page – with tracing practice
  • letter recognition page, where your students will need to circle all the lowercase and uppercase letters
  • beginning sound practice – students need to find and color the images starting with the letter in question
  • cut, sort and paste. Your students will be cutting the images and letters and sorting them into two columns – (a, not a, etc).

Additional information


1-grade, Pre-K, Kindergarten


Alphabet, Reading and Writing

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